Ready Smart Operations and Collaboration (RSOC) Suite
The RSOC Suite addresses the power industry’s need for fast and reliable access to current actionable information to meet their regulatory and business needs.
The Ready Smart Operations and Collaboration (RSOC) Suite is a set of tools in Ready Engineering’s suite of applications leveraging cloud infrastructure and services. RSOC components include:
- Supervisory Dispatch, Compliance,and Offer Control
- Reliability Monitoring and Advanced Asset Management
- Knowledge Management
Mandatory compliance and competitive dispatch is critical to profitable return on generation assets. Generation owners and operators look to increase reliability, availability,and productivity in the most effective manner possible.
Benefits of the RSOC Suite include:
- Enables asset optimization
- Reduces the risk of being out of compliance
- Minimizes the time required to do compliance reporting
- Facilitates collaboration
- Minimizes the time of out of compliance events